i can't stop taking pictures of sleeping-ruby. she's the absolute sweetest. love my sunshine girl. |
a good refrain: here are ponderings on the sweet spots in my life - family, music, my husband Terence, our two goofball kids - Ruby & Landon. I’m an advocate for rare diseases and a social worker so those themes may pop up from time to time, too.
29 June 2011
27 June 2011
hide yo burgers!
...because the hamburglars on the loose!! :)
best $5 ever spent on an outfit? yeah, i think so too.
26 June 2011
lyrics i love v. 3
i can't say enough about michael franti. i admire the way he lives his life and the positive energy he sends out into the world. we need more of that. and his last album, "sound of sunshine" was a real support to me during the rough times of my pregnancy with ruby. there were days that i felt nothing like the "me" that i remembered and was afraid i never would again. during those times, i'd hear this song (or any other song on this album, for that matter) and it would help get me through to the next minute, the next hour, the next day. and to me that's what great, worthy music is. it acts as a comforting friend. this isn't the usual, upbeat version of this song, but the acoustic version of it makes it easy to hear and understand the lyrics. here are my favorite parts...
from the tops of the buildings to the streets below
from the wall street banks to the empty homes
between the lines of the people standing all in a row
there’s a crack in the gutter where a flower grows
reminding me that everything is possible
yeah reminding me that nothing is impossible
you gotta live for the one that you love you know
you gotta love for the life that you live you know
singin’ hey, hey, hey no matter how life is today
there’s just one thing that i got to say
i won’t let another moment slip away
i say hey, hey, hey no matter how life is today
there’s just one thing that I got to say
i won’t let another moment slip awaydon’t let nobody ever tell you that it couldn’t be done
don’t let nobody ever tell you that we couldn’t be one
don’t let nobody ever tell you that it shouldn’t be sung
don’t let nobody ever tell you you’re the only one
24 June 2011
flashback friday
20 June 2011
fun week{end}ly pics v. 3
last week flew by (hence the lack of posts) but last weekend was a really great time! here's a recap in iPhone pics...
the fascination with her fingers continues. it is ridiculous how cute it think it is. she doesn't have to do much to impress me. :) |
lisa & i enjoying the block party, a blue moon, and fabulous company. :) |
ruby showed her dad a little love on father's day |
15 June 2011
wordless-ish wednesday
happy birthday to our sunshine girl
four-day-old ruby {3.19.11} |
one-month-old ruby {4.15.11} |
two-month-old ruby {5.15.11} |
![]() |
three-month-old ruby {6.15.11} |
14 June 2011
fun weekly pics v. 2
i'm a bit behind on fun pics from last week, but here we go...
sunday (june 4th): we had breakfast at alterra & then headed down to IL for baby eli's baby shower.
monday: well, mondays are so much better now that this beautiful face is a part of our lives. |
tuesday: bathtime with dad (auntie rhonda says ruby looks like a little boxer here. ha ha) |
thursday: ruby has been loving her activity mat so much lately. she is a happy camper when she's hanging out on it, swatting at her toys, smiling, and talking to them. |
she especially loves this elephant. :) |
*sigh* she's getting so big and strong! she sat up like this for most of her tummy time this week. |
we made a pathetic attempt moving ruby to her own room on saturday night. that didn't go over so well. lol. ruby, who usually goes to sleep pretty quickly, woke up crying every 10 minutes or so until we caved and said "you win". :) so back to the basinnet in our room she went. in all fairness, we never really used her room for anything so she wasn't familiar with it at all. so, we're going to spend more time in it and try again in a few weeks. but this did give me an excuse to finally make her room an actual nursery, with her changing table, pictures, and toys. (see above) i love her room. but also am not one bit upset that she's still in our room. :)
sunday: when the brewer's are playing, sundays have become our day to represent for our team. :)
and ruby has gotten in on the action, too. love it.
and just because - sleeping ruby. is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby? no, i don't think so, either. |
12 June 2011
lyrics i love v. 2
this song has been my theme song the last week or so. i cannot get it out of my head! (not that i mind.) i saw mr. dennen once in concert and he was great! a bundle of energy. but that's another post. anyway, almost every day for the last week, when i wake up, this song is in my head. and when i'm up in the middle of the night with rubinski (my most recent nickname for ruby), this song is in my head. his lyrics can often be difficult to understand (so i'm including some of my favorites below), but the chorus is pretty easy to make out. i, of course, love singing it to ruby when we're dancing around at home. :) so, check it out and i'm sure you'll be dancing, too!
sydeny whenever you feel unhappy
all you have to do is call me
i can make you laugh
sydney i know that you were wrongly accused
i hope you don't lose your sense of humor
allegations made in the school yard
soccer mom's gossip in the dog park
their bark is worse than their bite
they're only a couple of crazy cougars
they're bored, spreading those desperate rumors
you know that i was never that cool
but i won't be taken for a fool
if they wanna talk trash
they can talk, talk, talk
but they better come correct
if you ever need me, call me
i'll come running straight to you
straight from the airport
i'll come running
cut through the customs line
i'll come running
bust down the court house doors
i'll come running
i will testify
sydney I'll testify
all you have to do is call me
i can make you laugh
sydney i know that you were wrongly accused
i hope you don't lose your sense of humor
allegations made in the school yard
soccer mom's gossip in the dog park
their bark is worse than their bite
they're only a couple of crazy cougars
they're bored, spreading those desperate rumors
you know that i was never that cool
but i won't be taken for a fool
if they wanna talk trash
they can talk, talk, talk
but they better come correct
if you ever need me, call me
i'll come running straight to you
straight from the airport
i'll come running
cut through the customs line
i'll come running
bust down the court house doors
i'll come running
i will testify
sydney I'll testify
10 June 2011
if no one else shows up, i will
i am a...
college-educated, state licensed, client advocating, social server, therapy providing, systems, testing, family preserving, minority supporting, social conscious raising, data collecting, disease preventing, child defending, staff developing, human assisting, strength focused, social rights championing, ego lending, crisis intervening, teacher, facilitator, listener, encourager, supporter, leader, with professionalism, integrity, concern, empathy, values, love, trust, honest, warmth, basic agent for change ...social worker.
*note: i am all of these things except state licensed - i got lazy when i got preggers and didn't take the test. :)
professionally, this week was a bit of a doozy for me. i got back to work full time since i left on maternity leave in march. but since i'd been back part time for the last month, switching to full time didn't make much of a difference to me (other than ruby & i actually having to get our butts out of bed before 9 am.)
no, what was difficult were a couple cases that i covered for some co-workers of mine. i work in a program that works with young adults that are involved in the court system due to severe mental illness and are at risk of being placed outside their homes (or already are). i've become fairly desensitized to the kind of work i do and rarely get rattled by the extreme behavior i see on a daily basis. but yesterday, i had to attend two different court hearings for two different young men. though their circumstances were different, they each were facing new delinquency charges and were being held in secure detention and brought up to the courtroom for their hearings.
nothing about this was new to me. i've seen many of the kids i work with handcuffed, sometimes in shackles, brought up to court. and it can be a sad sight, for sure, but witnessing this scene now - as a mom - it just feels different. both of these kids really had no idea what the judge was telling them - because i know them, i know they're not intellectually able to understand. as the judge was explaining to them the possible repercussions of their substantial battery charges (a felony for one of them), i couldn't stop watching each boy. it was clear they were nodding when they thought they should, saying "yes, ma'am" with the hope of getting out of there as quick as possible. and as i looked around the court room, neither of them had any family present. just the legal parties. and me. that's it.
and that, boys and girls, is precisely why those boys were sitting in a courtroom, in the first place.
the realization of this suddenly broke my heart and i found myself blinking away tears. i know the parents that i work with are exhausted dealing with their kid who, from their perspective, is completely out of control. but i want to tell them - if you would just show up for your kid. show some support, regardless of whether they deserve it at the moment. remember how you felt about them when they were little babies and you could hold them in your arms; when you promised to protect them from anything that would hurt them. and now, set aside your pride, and accept the simple fact that YOU are the one that is hurting them.
i don't have all the answers. i know that i only have the tiniest bit of experience in parenting. i am terrified when i think of all the ways that ruby will test our patience and that she will one day make choices that might hurt her and me. but what my job working with these kids has taught me is that supporting ruby, even if i could not disagree more with a choice she makes, is the best i can give to her. she'll never understand how i would give anything to ensure her safety, success, and happiness, but i will do whatever it takes to make sure she knows that i will always show up for her.
08 June 2011
*wordless-ish wednesday*
i like the idea of wordless-ish wednesdays that i've seen on other blogs - posting a pic (or a few) with a caption. so...enjoy my first wordless-ish wednesday post!

i feel like i'm constantly saying "ruby is getting so big" these days. as you can see, on the left, she's not too in to lying on her back anymore. if you put her on her back, she'll start to lift her head up towards you, as if to say "help me out, would ya?" and she rolled over again today. when she's in tummy time now, she keeps her head up for most of the time and just looks around at the room, the mirror, and me, then rests it on one of her chubby cheeks for a bit before she does it all over again. she's starting to suck her fingers at night to get herself to fall asleep, too. it's amazing and wonderful to see her learning, but also a little sad as i put away her newborn clothes and get ready to move her into her own room in her own crib. wow. yeah, i'm a little freaked out about it, but mostly i'm just over-the-moon proud of our little girl.
i feel like i'm constantly saying "ruby is getting so big" these days. as you can see, on the left, she's not too in to lying on her back anymore. if you put her on her back, she'll start to lift her head up towards you, as if to say "help me out, would ya?" and she rolled over again today. when she's in tummy time now, she keeps her head up for most of the time and just looks around at the room, the mirror, and me, then rests it on one of her chubby cheeks for a bit before she does it all over again. she's starting to suck her fingers at night to get herself to fall asleep, too. it's amazing and wonderful to see her learning, but also a little sad as i put away her newborn clothes and get ready to move her into her own room in her own crib. wow. yeah, i'm a little freaked out about it, but mostly i'm just over-the-moon proud of our little girl.
07 June 2011
fun weekly pics!
on the road! we traveled to MN to stay with my sister, wendy, and her family for memorial day weekend. most of my siblings were there and so was my mom. |
05 June 2011
june showers bring ... july baby eli!

today, ruby & i made the trip down to buffalo grove, just outside chicago, for my friend hillary's baby shower. well, i should say that we made the trip b/c my wonderful hubs drove us down, made himself busy during the shower, then picked our butts back up! it was a big help, as i was a little nervous driving for over an hour without any help. ruby, of course, was great for the majority of the ride, but it's still always great to have time with T. anyway, i digress.
hillary is expecting a baby boy, who will be named eli, in july. i am psyched that ruby will have a little buddy to play with right around her age. and even more psyched that it's going to be hillary's baby. :) hilla (as i call her) and i have been friends since second semester my freshman year at UWM. we were instant friends and grew very close over the years that followed. we lived together for several years and my greatest memories from college almost always include her. i never would have guessed that hilla and i would be pregnant at the same time and have babies so closely together, but i am absolutely thrilled about it. and beyond excited for her. knowing how fulfilling our life with ruby is now has made me all the more excited for hilla to experience it and for us to be able to become moms at the same time.
the shower was a great time! her mom, sister, and aunts hosted it for her, danielle, and jeff, and it was fantastic! there was a monkey theme that you could not miss -- it was monkey madness! welcoming people, great conversation, and most of all, just great to get to see hillary so beautifully preggers and happy. this kid is going to have wonderful parents.
04 June 2011
03 June 2011
a good refrain (lyrics i love v. 1)
so once a week, i plan on discussing my love of lyrics on here by highlighting a song that i think has especially awesome lyrics and why. with this in mind, i was going to write my first post on a monday so that i could name it 'music mondays' or something slick like that so that i could start off with a tribute to the title of my blog "a good refrain." however, i couldn't wait for next monday to get started. and all i can think of that sounds good with thursday is 'thirsty thursday' and that just won't work. i'll let you know when i come up with a good topic title. so, anyway, for this week -
i got 'a good refrain' from the regina spektor song "on the radio". even though i had heard the song many times before, i never really "heard" it until the week i found out T & i were expecting Ruby, if that makes sense. here are the lines that i think kick some serious lyrical booty -
"this is how it works
you're young until you're not
you love until you don't
you try until you can't
you laugh until you cry
you cry until you laugh
and everyone must breathe
until their dying breath
now, this is how it works
you peer inside yourself
you take the things you like
and try to love the things you took
and then you take that love you made
and stick it into some,
someone else's heart
pumping someone else's blood
and walking arm in arm
you hope it don't get hard
but even if it does
you'll just do it all again
on the radio
you hear 'November Rain'
that solo's awful long
but it's a good refrain"
i don't think i really need to explain why this is just full of awesome-ness. i'll just say that i found myself in tears listening to it when i first learned ruby was on her way and looking back on it now - seeing how hard the journey did get & how i always had T to walk "arm in arm" with -- of course, i would (and will) do it all again. because through all the crap and not-so-good days in life, i realize now more than ever, my new family is a good (and that's a serious understatement) refrain from it all.
i got 'a good refrain' from the regina spektor song "on the radio". even though i had heard the song many times before, i never really "heard" it until the week i found out T & i were expecting Ruby, if that makes sense. here are the lines that i think kick some serious lyrical booty -
"this is how it works
you're young until you're not
you love until you don't
you try until you can't
you laugh until you cry
you cry until you laugh
and everyone must breathe
until their dying breath
now, this is how it works
you peer inside yourself
you take the things you like
and try to love the things you took
and then you take that love you made
and stick it into some,
someone else's heart
pumping someone else's blood
and walking arm in arm
you hope it don't get hard
but even if it does
you'll just do it all again
on the radio
you hear 'November Rain'
that solo's awful long
but it's a good refrain"
i don't think i really need to explain why this is just full of awesome-ness. i'll just say that i found myself in tears listening to it when i first learned ruby was on her way and looking back on it now - seeing how hard the journey did get & how i always had T to walk "arm in arm" with -- of course, i would (and will) do it all again. because through all the crap and not-so-good days in life, i realize now more than ever, my new family is a good (and that's a serious understatement) refrain from it all.
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