02 January 2013

wordless-ish wednesday: don't get used to this. you're not even 2.

i waited to paint your nails. it was a "girl-y" mom & daughter thing i wanted to do. and you looked so freaking cute. but, also, i tweaked out a bit. like this...

nail polish will not be worn outside the house for several years. you are not allowed to wear make up until junior high & even then it's lip gloss and clear mascara only. no heels until high school. don't even utter the word "stiletto" to me until you're paying your own rent. and you can buy a two-piece swimsuit when you have your acceptance letter to college.

(lastly, i expect you to do all these things behind my back. please keep it to yourself until you're well passed the age of 25 & i am able to see for myself that i had nothing to worry about all these years.)

i love you, little lady.

ps) not so wordless this wednesday, eh? big emphasis on the "ish" today. ;)


  1. Brilliant. Love all of it. :-D

    1. me thinks we should have a girlie nail polish party with our girls next weekend. :) maybe for mar's bday bash?

  2. Aww! I just did this with Noella. I have painted her toes since she was about 9 months old but once I painted her fingers, oh boy did it all hit me about how big she's getting and how this is just one step closer to moving out. I have the exact same set of rules for my little miss too.

    1. ha! that's good to know i'm not alone. my dad had some excellent "rules" when i was growing up. of course, at the time i didn't think they were excellent, but now i know/feel differently. i have to remember to thank him for that.
      i still have to paint ruby's toes. since she's always wearing her braces, she has to always have shoes on so we don't see her toes too much. but hopefully one day soon, that'll all change and we can paint those toe-sies! :)


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