what's your favorite color? blue
why? 'cause i don't like the dark.
what's your favorite movie? thomas.
why? 'cause i'm allergic to kittie cats.
what's your favorite time of the day? lunch time
why? because you can't eat toys.
what's your favorite thing to do outside? ehhh. ummmm. ooooh. play with thomas.
why? 'cause i can't eat grass.
what's your favorite thing about teagan (sister, age 5)? that she doesn't bite me.
what's your favorite about mom? she makes me laugh.
what's your favorite about dad? playing coyote with him.
what's your favorite thing about you? i like to not be a tornado.
what do you want to be when you grow up? a princess.
what do you want all of your friends and family to know about you? that i want to dance. and i don't like getting IV's, or poked, or blood drawed.
*i think that pretty much sums up what we all want from life. needles? no. dancing? yes.